Do you dream of your students using a wide and varied vocabulary in their written work?
Imagine your pupils being able to recall the new words you've taught for your subject, especially when you're being observed by the SLT!
Impress the Ofsted Inspector with your class demonstrating their use of vocabulary which is age-related or even at greater depth!
⭐ Increase the vocabulary and word finding skills of the children in your setting
⭐ Develop vocab skills in the Early Years and beyond
⭐ Support writing skills to bring them in line with age-related expectations
⭐ Enhance the vocabulary of lower-ability children in your class
⭐ Reduce frustrations during lesson times
⭐ Increase interest in literacy lessons
⭐ Reduce frustrations of younger children with restricted communication skills
⭐ Give teens something more to say than ‘um’ ‘er’ thing’ ‘stuff’
⭐ Help students find more appropriate words than swears and cusses
⭐ Boost the quality of teaching & learning in your setting
After completing this course
You will have a better understanding of the vocabulary and word finding difficulties faced by some of the children you work with.
You will feel confident to work with the children in your setting who have difficulty learning and recalling new words, increasing the quality of teaching.
You will be able to use the strategies and activities from this course with your current pupils and in the future with other children.
You will see progress in the children you’ve worked with following the delivery of these fun but impactful interventions.
Suitable for all age groups, from EYFS to KS4.
The games can be altered to suit the age, ability and interests of the child you are working with now and in the future.