Memory & Processing Interventions eBook

Download this Memory & Processing Interventions eBook to get your hands on a selection of information, games and activities which you can use with children and young people across all age groups.

This is a 23 page e-book packed with information and intervention activities to help children with memory and processing difficulties.

  • Ideal for Teachers who are concerned about the retention and processing skills of their pupils.
  • Perfect for TAs and LSAs to use for delivering effective and impactful interventions to boost memory and processing skills.
  • A great resource for SENCos to add to staff training, especially in deployment of LSAs and Assistants.
  • Reassuring for parents who need ideas to help their child at home.

For use with individual children or small groups.

Adaptable activities for EYFS through to KS4!

  • A weekly programme​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ for 1:1 or small group interventions
  • Single activities to fill some time
  • Ice breakers in class
  • Golden time/reward activities
  • Play them in the car with your own kids and other adults
  • Whole-class session split into smaller groups


Memory & processing Interventions eBook

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SLCN Checklist

Receive the Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) Checklist too for HALF PRICE! £27.50 (usual price £55)

Receive the Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) Checklist too!

A vital tool & easy to use 4-page checklist for identifying underlying difficulties for pupils.

Questions within each section will help you to highlight areas where a child has the most need, how you can direct interventions and support onward referrals.

This will be emailed to you straight away, you’ll only need one copy but can use it multiple times.


GBP 27.50

Order summary

Memory & Processing Interventions eBook

Memory & Processing Interventions eBook

Are you supporting a child who needs a little help with their 'processing' skills?

This Memory & Processing Interventions eBook contains a selection of different games and activities which you can use and adapt for children of all ages and key stages as:

🤩 1:1 activities
🤩 small group work
🤩 part of a half termly or termly programme
🤩 Ice breakers and time fillers in class
🤩 golden time/reward activities
🤩at home with your own children

👉 Ideal for Teachers who are concerned about the retention and processing skills of their pupils.

👉 Perfect for TAs and LSAs to use for delivering effective and impactful interventions to boost memory and processing skills.

👉 A great resource for SENCos to add to staff training, especially in deployment of LSAs and Assistants.

👉 Reassuring for parents who need ideas to help their child at home.


"Thank you so so much for all of the activity ideas to help with processing skills.

I have been doing these with a group of children and it's been really successful!

Our favourites are the Echoes and Where am I? games."


Sarah, Teaching Assistant.



Memory & processing Interventions eBook

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The Speech and Language Garden (a trading name of Customised Business Programmes Ltd) · Unit 1, Knowles Farm, Wycke Hill, Maldon · Essex · CM9 6SH · United Kingdom