Helping Your Child to Talk- A Course for Parents

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Helping Your Child to Talk- A Course for Parents

A 6 week course to help parents of children who are a little late with their talking and communication skills.

After you purchase, you'll be emailed your login and the first videos for this week so that you can get started straight away with helping your child.

Then, you will receive weekly emails with demonstration videos of your new games and a strategy to focus on with your child to boost their language development and to have fun along the way!

You'll be able to revisit previous weeks videos and track the progress of your child using the downloadable PDFs as well as email support from me if you need it.

Here’s a short summary of what to expect:

🌳 We’ll do an initial assessment of their current level of communication, recording their skills so that we can look back in a few weeks and months to compare.

🌳 You’ll receive a structured set of activities which have been developed using my 15+ years as a Speech Therapist to ensure you maximise the language potential over the 6 week journey.

🌳 You’ll be equipped with a range of strategies that you can confidently use to maximise the language development of your child (and your other children too if you have them).

🌳 You’ll feel confident that you’re doing everything you can to help your child boost their talking and communication skills.

🌳 You can feel reassured that you are doing the right things.

🌳 I’ll be available for extra support via email if you need it.

But don’t just take my word for it, here’s what previous parents have said:

“Jack is doing well, he is getting more confident with talking at preschool and chatting to his friends.”

Louise, Jack’s Mummy

“It’s been so easy to do the games with [my son]. We’ve had fun doing the laundry and playing the games. His brother has joined in too!”

Victoria, Parent

“You made the games so easy to do and we looked forward to new videos each week. Thank you!”

David, Parent

“We just wanted to say THANK YOU! I'm not sure Noah would be talking so much now if we hadn’t done this course with you.”

Sam & Alex, Noah’s parents

Let's get started!

GBP 135
Total due GBP 135

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The Speech and Language Garden (a trading name of Customised Business Programmes Ltd) · Unit 1, Knowles Farm, Wycke Hill, Maldon · Essex · CM9 6SH · United Kingdom