SLCN Checklist
A vital tool for school SENCos/ALNCos, Teachers and staff to higlight underlying difficulties for pupils.
This checklist is an easy to use 4-page resource covering 7 different areas of SLCN:
- Attention & Listening
- Comprehension
- Memory
- Expressive Language & Vocabulary
- Speech Sounds
- Play & Social Skills
- Fluency (stammering)
Questions within each section will help you to highlight areas where the child has the most need, for example with remembering instructions or using short sentences.
A Next Steps section at the end of the checklist to help you to decide whether to:
- Refer on to Speech and Language service
- Use the pinpointed specific targets for their Individual Education Plan.
- Try school-based interventions such as small group or 1:1 with a Teaching Assistant or quality teaching through use of specific strategies.
This checklist can be used as a monitoring tool for you to be able to track the child’s progress each term.
You can use it to highlight areas of need for the child and to pinpoint specific targets for their IEP.
The Checklist can be used by SENCo, Teachers or TAs with no preparation required.
It can be used to screen whole classes or year groups.
Once you have downloaded the checklist, you can print and use it as many times as you like.
Watch this quick video for more information: