⭐ Boost your skills and confidence in supporting children with unclear speech
⭐ Complete the course online and learn how to identify and establish effective speech sound support in your setting.
⭐ Secure your understanding of speech sound development.
⭐ Increase your knowledge in identifying common speech sound difficulties.
⭐ Learn about the pathway to helping your child(ren) with their tricky sounds, from single sounds to sentences and beyond!
⭐ Use the games and activities from this course with your current children and in the future with other children.
⭐ Help the children you work with to make progress.
⭐ Show off that your setting has skilled members of staff who are confident to work with children who have speech & language difficulties.
⭐ Gain a whole heap of games and activities to make your day super fun!
⭐ For Preschools, Teachers, TA's and SENCOs. Also suitable for parents.