Early Years Speech and Language Course

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Purchase the Language & Communication Toolkit too! £35

The Language & Communication Toolkit for Early Years Settings is ultimate bundle of resources, information and activities for early years professionals to boost the language and communication skills of the children in your setting.

Price £35 (including VAT)

GBP 35

Order summary

Early Years Speech and Language Course

⭐ Power-up your provision with staff strategies and games to help late talkers, children with unclear speech and stammers.

​⭐ Complete the course online and learn how to identify and establish effective speech and language skills in your Early Years setting.​

⭐ Boost your understanding of the language development milestones for different ages in Early Years.

​⭐ Increase your confidence in identifying reasons and opportunities for your children to communicate in your setting.

​⭐ Learn about language delay, speech sound difficulties and stammering, as well as specific strategies to support needs in these areas.

​⭐ Use the strategies and activities from this course with your current children and in the future with other children.

​⭐ Help the children you work with to make progress.

​⭐ Show off that your setting has skilled members of staff who are confident to work with children who have speech & language difficulties.

​⭐ Gain a whole heap of games and activities to make your day super fun!

GBP 180
Total due GBP 180

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The Speech and Language Garden (a trading name of Customised Business Programmes Ltd) · Unit 1, Knowles Farm, Wycke Hill, Maldon · Essex · CM9 6SH · United Kingdom