Language & Communication Toolkit for Early Years Settings
The ultimate bundle of resources, information and activities for early years professionals to boost the language and communication skills of the children in your setting.
(Total value £185)
Downloadable Resources
🌳 Activities to Boost Language and Communication skills in the Early Years- a downloadable eBook packed with easy to do games and activities to improve the language and communication skills of the children you work with.
🌳 Checklist- Language development milestones from 9 months to 6 years so that you can monitor your children and highlight where they need some help.
🌳 Intervention record sheet- to track all of your activity and intervention sessions. Helpful for data gathering, accountability to parents and the SENCo, ideal to show the Ofsted Inspector.
Video Training
🌷 Video 1- Which language and communication skills to look out for in the early years age groups
🌷 Video 2- How to boost language and communication skills in your early years setting
🌷 Video 3- How to use the activities in your eBook to maximise language development in your setting
I am not just providing you with digital downloads and training videos that will sit on your computer, the Language & Communication in the Early Years Toolkit will help you:
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